Thank you for choosing CutFe Industrial Knives

Our customer support service is here to help you to solve your problems about Industrial Slitting Knives in every step of your order, even after delivery with our sharpening service.

Cutfe presents:

  • Long-life, high-quality industrial knives.
  • Sharpening service to prolong the life of your knives.
  • Customer support service to help you with your orders.

Don’t hesitate to contact us ➜

Meet with CutFe Quality

Cutfe has a unique quality with long-life slitting knives and sharpening service.
You can get a quick quote by fulfilling the form below.

Get a quick quote with a technical Drawing
Upload a technical drawing˚
Maximum file size: 128 MB
Please upload your technic drawing(s) as rar, zip or pdf file.
Name Surname˚
Company Name˚
Get a quick quote with Technical Properties

You can get a quick quote by giving us the technical specifications of your order.

We will give you a technical drawing of your product with your order.

Name Surname˚
Company Name
Type of Knife˚
Machine Brand
Machine Model
Outside Diameter˚
Inside Diameter˚
Does the Inside Diameter have a Keyway or keyways cut into it? ˚
If you answered 'YES' to the previous question, please advise - Keyway dimensions.
Are there any fixing holes on the blade?˚
If you answered 'YES' to the previous question, please advise - Number of holes
If you answered 'YES' to the previous question, please advise - Distance from Centre of blade
If you answered 'YES' to the previous question, please advise - Diameter of Hole / Holes
If you answered 'YES' to the previous question, please advise the - Amount
If you answered 'YES' to the previous question, please advise the - Size
Bevel Type
Angle/Length of Bevel
Material Grade Required
Material you are cutting
Quantity Required
Any other information
Picture of The Knife
You can upload your knife's pictures in 'jpeg' or 'png' formats. Or you can upload technical drawing as 'zip', 'rar' or 'pdf' formats. If you upload multiple documents, please upload as 'zip' or 'rar' formats.
Maximum file size: 128 MB